IECLO Scientific Coordinator Prof. Anja Matwijkiw is serving as Chair of the U.S. Working Group on “Corruption Linked to Transnational Organized Crime: Responses from the Foreign Policy of the United States of America”
Professor Anja Matwijkiw (Indiana University, USA) from our International & European Criminal Law Observatory is currently serving as Co-Investigator and Chair of the U.S. Working Group on an interdisciplinary and international research project that spans South and North America and several countries in Europe on “Corruption linked to transnational organized crime (TOC): Responses from the foreign policy of the United States of America.”
As the Chair of the U.S. Working Group, Professor Anja Matwijkiw directed the research for publications and seminars, upon the invitation of the Iberoamerican Institute of The Hague for Peace, Human Rights and International Justice (IIH). The various deliverables fall under Programme 70593/ Research Project 70817 co-financed by the Colombian Ministry of Science and Technology (Minciencias) and co-executed by Universidad del Rosario (Colombia) and Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia).
The highlights for the Chair and Members of the Programme are as follows:
Book Chapters:
Anja Matwijkiw & Bronik Matwijkiw, The U.S. Homeland Security Enterprise, Transnational Organized Crime as Associated with Corruption, and International Cooperation: Setting the Stage for the Complexity of the Issues, forthcoming, in Las respuestas a la corrupción desde la política exterior de los estados latinoamericanos y desde los ejes de acción de las organizaciones de ámbito regional en América Latina (Hector Olasolo & Mario Urueña eds., Tirant lo Blanch Publishers (Spain), Ibero-American Institute of The Hague for Peace, Human Rights and International Justice (The Netherlands) and El Rosario University (Colombia), 2023).
Anja Matwijkiw, Bronik Matwijkiw, Willie Mack, Ryan Long & Yuliya Zabyelina, US Regulative Measures and Prospects for Enhanced Effectiveness of International Cooperation in Latin America: The fight Against Corruption as Associated with Transnational Organized Crime (TOC), forthcoming in Las respuestas a la corrupción desde la política exterior de los estados latinoamericanos y desde los ejes de acción de las organizaciones de ámbito regional en América Latina (Hector Olasolo & Mario Urueña eds., Tirant lo Blanch Publishers (Spain), Ibero-American Institute of The Hague for Peace, Human Rights and International Justice (The Netherlands) and El Rosario University (Colombia), 2023).
Seminar Session of the U.S. Working Group:
The Push for and Against a Comprehensive Strategy and The Relationship Between Crime, Terrorism, and Corruption, two presentations for International Seminar Series (hybrid format), U.S. Working Group Session: “Corruption linked to Transnational Organized Crime: Responses from the Foreign Policy of the United States of America,” Universidad del Rosario, Bogota, Colombia, Nov. 11, 2022.
- Video recordings uploaded at the Ibero-American Platform in the Hague,
Professor Anja Matwijkiw received a certificate from Universidad del Rosario (Colombia) for her contribution to the international seminar, for which she also served as the Panel Moderator (with opening remarks and conclusions) for the two panels.
You can read more about the Programme here:
We will keep you updated on Professor Anja Matwijkiw’s future contributions, which complement those of the IECLO. As the 2020-2023 Chair of the U.S. Working Group, Professor Anja Matwijkiw is planning to speak at an event in The Hague to mark the completion of the research programme.