13 November 2023
6th Annual International Conference on “Current Issues within EU and EU Member States: Converging and Diverging Legal Trends” – 17 November 2023 – Transilvania University of Brasov
The School of Law, The Emil Poenaru Center for Legal Research, and Center for Legal and Diplomatic Studies within Transilvania University of Brasov is hosting its 6th Annual International Conference on “Current Issues within EU and EU Member States: Converging and Diverging Legal Trends”.
The Conference, where our Director, Prof. Dr. Anna Oriolo, is enrolled as member of the Scientific Committee as well as Speaker, will take place on 17 November 2023, starting from 10 a.m., in the “Emil Poenaru” Hall at the Faculty of Law in Brasov.
We warmly thanks Prof. Roxana Matefi for her precious scientific collaboration!